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Is there an elixir of youth?

Biological aging is an ubiquitous and unavoidable process that takes place at the cell level, and is controlled by telomers. Mrs Ivana Buzadžić, Ph.D. in an expert lecture titled "Is there an elixir of youth?" Held on November 13, 2018 at the Gemma Center, presented the experiences and results of previous work in the field of telomer analysis in physicians of various specialties and pharmacists. On this occasion, she explained the effect of adequate nutrition and supplements on the activation...


Personalized approach to prevention and treatment

We continue with successful educations about the importance of targeted genetic testing. Within the framework of education held on November 6th 2018 visitors to the Gemmo Center have had the opportunity to learn about analyzes from nutrigenetics, pharmacogenetics, sports genetics, telomer assays, molecular markers for cardiovascular risk and hereditary thrombophilia, and to get acquainted with the planned expansion of the portfolio. Analyzes aimed at preventing, early detection and treatment of various diseases, slowing down the aging process, maintaining health and...


Interview director of Gemmo center Mrs Ivana Buzadžić, magazine Zdravi i lepi “Genetic testing, the best prevention”

Translation in serbian Генетичко тестирање, најбоља превенција 17.11.2018 • 15:2115:25 Извор: Наши гени су план и нацрт нашег тела. Они контролишу наше бројне особине, као боју очију, висину и наше таленте. На жалост, гени нису поштеђени грешака и свако од нас носи одређене генетичке дефекте или варијације које се могу негативно одразити на наше здравље. Тако неке генетичке варијације могу повећати ризик за дијабетес, тромбозу или рак, друге могу одредити колико успешно елиминишемо токсине из нашег тела, контролишу интолеранцију...
