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Schedule a genetic analysis

When you open the door to genetics, there is no part of health or disease that you cannot detect or, better yet, that you cannot influence. Everything is under the control of our genes and each result is highly individual. Such an approach can encourage genes to work positively for us and thus enable a happier, healthier and longer life expectancy. The application of genetics in medicine should be seen not only as a confirmation of why a disease has...


March 8th in Gemmo center

On the occasion of International Women's Day March 8, Gemmo Centar, from March 9 to March 13, 2020, donates 20% off on nutrigenetics, telomeres, pharmacogenetics and women's 40+ packages. Through nutritional analysis you can find out how to achieve optimal weight by diet and physical activity that would give the best results and reduce the risk of developing the disease. With telomere analysis you can find out all about the secrets of prolonged youth. By activating telomerase, an enzyme important...


“The medicine of the future has arrived – how to live healthy” Lepota i Zdravlje magazine, June 2019

The medicine of the future has arrived - "Genetic analyzes, targeted prevention and nutrigenomics are integral parts of the most modern medicine and are crucial for improving the quality and the length of life. To clarify these terms, we talked to a genetic specialist from the Gemme Center Genetic Counseling Center" Magazine Lepota i Zdravlje, number 220, June 2019 from 20.05. until 19.06.2019. Original article: Lepota i Zdravlje Juni 2019  


What can you do with your genetic information?

Translation in serbian Personalizovani pristup prevenciji i lečenju Genetika utiče na sve aspekte našeg života i rada a informacije koje nosimo u našem genetskom materijalu minimalno se koriste. Uloga pojedinih gena vidljiva je svakodnevno – boja očiju ili kose, različite krvne grupe, različita koža... Naš genetski zapis sadrži informacije koje se tiču svakog metaboličkog procesa u organizmu, zdravlja i bolesti. Nebrojeno mnogo informacija koje nasleđujemo su nam nepoznate i ne znamo kako da ih koristimo. Preventivni genetski testovi pružaju informaciju...


Lactose intolerance – classifications and diagnosis sensitivity (intolerance)

Translation in serbian Intolerancija laktoze je nemogućnost varenja mlečnog šećera - laktoze. Kod većine ljudi sposobnost varenja laktoze znatno se smanjuje već nakon druge godine života. Kada organizam prestane efikasno da vari laktozu, uzimanje mleka, mlečnih proizvoda i ostalih proizvoda koji sadrže makar i tragove laktoze (hleb, pahuljice, instant supe, grickalice…) može izazvati razne tegobe poput bola u stomaku, grčeva, nadutosti, mučnine, probleme sa gasovima i proliv. Intolerancija na laktozu izaziva probleme sa varenjem koji mogu znatno smanjiti kvalitet života. Ako se...
