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Schedule a genetic analysis

When you open the door to genetics, there is no part of health or disease that you cannot detect or, better yet, that you cannot influence. Everything is under the control of our genes and each result is highly individual. Such an approach can encourage genes to work positively for us and thus enable a happier, healthier and longer life expectancy. The application of genetics in medicine should be seen not only as a confirmation of why a disease has...


What is Collagen? Which Collagen is best? Why do we react differently to collagen administration?

Collagen is one of the most useful proteins in the human body, accounting for 30% of total protein and a major component of skin, bone and connective tissue. Connective tissue is one of the basic tissues and together with cartilage and bone tissue makes supporting tissue spread throughout the body. Collagen contains 19 different amino acids, which is why it is often called a complex protein. Collagen amino acids are a mixture of non-essential and essential types of amino acids....


Nutrigenetics and impact on chronic diseases

Nutrigenotechnical analysis has a positive effect on improving symptoms in a patient suffering from chronic diseases. Studies have confirmed that, on average, 73.4% of patients have achieved a significant improvement in their health status by changing their diet and adhering to the instructions given by a non-geneticist and a nutritionist. Not a single day goes by without hurting us. Everything is fine if it is a short-term pain that we most often forget about. However, the problem begins when symptoms...


March 8th in Gemmo center

On the occasion of International Women's Day March 8, Gemmo Centar, from March 9 to March 13, 2020, donates 20% off on nutrigenetics, telomeres, pharmacogenetics and women's 40+ packages. Through nutritional analysis you can find out how to achieve optimal weight by diet and physical activity that would give the best results and reduce the risk of developing the disease. With telomere analysis you can find out all about the secrets of prolonged youth. By activating telomerase, an enzyme important...


Gemmo center and Association of Private Pharmacists SPAS

The 41st Expert Meeting of the SPAS Association of Private Pharmacists was held at the Faculty of Pharmacy on Friday, October 4, 2019. On that occasion, she spoke about the difference between the traditional treatment approach, in which patients with a particular clinical diagnosis receive the same or similar therapy, from a personalized approach to treatment, where pharmacogenetic analysis leads to the optimal choice of therapy and its ideal dosage. The lecture was attended in large numbers, and the participants...


The Gemmo Center together with the Genomica started cooperation with Dr Sanja Toljan

  One of the leading regional experts in the field of treatment and therapy with bioidentical hormones Dr Sanja Toljan has started a collaboration with the Gemmo Center and the Genomica office. Dr. Toljan has been recognized as one of the innovators and pioneers in the treatment of hormonal status. She introduced biodentical hormone therapy as an alternative to conventional treatment for a hormonal disorder. She completed her specialization in anesthesiology at Yale New Haven Hospital (USA), and completed specialization...


DNA THE KEY TO THE FIGHT AGAINST KILOGRAMS, Magazine Magično bilje no. 168

Interview with Dr. Ivana Buzadzic, Director of the Gemmo Center, genetics gpecialist for the Magizine Magično bilje, July 10 2019, Issue 168 "Our genes, like instruments in an orchestra, help to produce a unique melody of life. Each of us is invited to take the conductor baton and determine for himself how magical this symphony will be - explains Dr. Buzadzic, a specialist in genetics in a colorful way. Does this mean that we can modify the genetic record and,...



Summer is in full swing and the perfect time to do some things for ourselves and our health. For this reason, the Gemmo Center wants to encourage you to take preventative examinations and genetic analyzes to improve your quality of life. Until 19thAugust 2019 we offer you a 20% discount on nutrigenetics and telomere analyzes. Through nutritional analysis, through your genetic profile, you can find out how to achieve optimal weight by diet and physical activity, which would give the...


The role of pharmacogenetics in clinical practice

In the full hall of the Gemmo Center, on Monday, June 3, 2019 in cooperation with Makler company, another expert lecture was held on the topic "The role of pharmacogenetics in clinical practice". Ivana Buzadžić, a specialist in genetics, explained the difference between the traditional approach to treatment in which patients with a certain clinical diagnosis receive the same or similar therapy, from a personalized approach to treatment, where pharmacogenetic analysis leads to the optimal choice of therapy and its...


Pro femmina 2019 and Gemmo center

Mrs Ivana Buzadžić, a genetic specialist, held a lecture on "Personalized Medicine - Medicine of the Future" in the "Pro-Femina" program 2019 at Hyatt Hotel providing interesting answers and useful information on prevention and treatment through DNA analysis. The guests reminded that health care is one of the main priorities of each of us. The participants had the opportunity to hear about how through genetic analyzes they can find out what their diet suits, what is the individualization of the...


Gemmo Center continues with expert presentations in the field of genetics

Translation in serbian On Wednesday, March 27, 2019. expert lecture on the topic "Clinical significance of genes FV, FII, MTHFR, PAI-1 and ACE in the choice of Thrombotic Therapy Therapy" was held at the Gemmo Center in cooperation with Makler company. Prof. Dr. Gorana Mitić, lectured about whether and how different combinations of mutations and the risk of thrombosis that they carry affect the decision on anticoagulant therapy. Mrs Ivana Buzadžić, a molecular biologist and physiologist, lectured on the importance of...


Magazine Bazar “Budućnost je sada i ovde” New year edition 2019

Translation in serbian "Budućnost je sada i ovde" - "Milka Forcan je ove godine iznenadila samo one koji je ne poznaju: ušla je u sasvim nove poslovne vode i, po uzoru na svetske medicinske trendove, otvorila prvo genetičko savetovalište u zemlji, čime je još jednom dokazala da uspeh može biti konstanta samo ako se stalno usavršavate i idete u susret novim izazovima", autor Gordana Knežević Monašević Kompletan intervju možete preuzeti ovde: Bazar NG 2019    


Bazar – Medicine of the Future, Politika Bazar magazine

The newest issue of Politika’s BAZAR, no 1383, May 18th2018 Bazar - Zdravlje tema: "Medicina budućnosti", autor Vladanka Zečević Informacije o našem genetskom zapisu omogućavaju nam da u skladu s dobijenim rezultatima prilagodimo i svoj način života. Šta sve mogu da saznaju genetske analize, koliko je značajna prevencija i kako se sprovodi jedno sveobuhvatno ispitivanje?"  "Gemmo centar je prvo genetičko savetovalište koje vam pruža šansu da na najbolji mogući način upoznate i iskoristite svoj genetski potencijal"      


Gemmo centar – promotion

Translation in serbian U prostorijama Gemmo centra 28. marta 2018. godine održana je promocija rada genetičkog savetovališta. Direktor centra, specijalista genetike Ivana Buzadžić govorila je o aktivnostima i planovima Gemmo centra, koja pokrivaju tri polja delatnosti: genetičke konsultacije, molekularne analize i stručne edukacije zdravstvenih radnika šireg spektra specijalizacije.    Tom prilikom, 30 doktora iz oblasti ginekologije, psihijatrije, kardiologije, pedijatrije imali su priliku da čuju kako se genetske analize i informacije iz genetičkog skrininga mogu koristiti u lečenju i u kvalitetnoj i...


Lactose intolerance – classifications and diagnosis sensitivity (intolerance)

Translation in serbian Intolerancija laktoze je nemogućnost varenja mlečnog šećera - laktoze. Kod većine ljudi sposobnost varenja laktoze znatno se smanjuje već nakon druge godine života. Kada organizam prestane efikasno da vari laktozu, uzimanje mleka, mlečnih proizvoda i ostalih proizvoda koji sadrže makar i tragove laktoze (hleb, pahuljice, instant supe, grickalice…) može izazvati razne tegobe poput bola u stomaku, grčeva, nadutosti, mučnine, probleme sa gasovima i proliv. Intolerancija na laktozu izaziva probleme sa varenjem koji mogu znatno smanjiti kvalitet života. Ako se...
