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The role of pharmacogenetics in clinical practice

In the full hall of the Gemmo Center, on Monday, June 3, 2019 in cooperation with Makler company, another expert lecture was held on the topic "The role of pharmacogenetics in clinical practice". Ivana Buzadžić, a specialist in genetics, explained the difference between the traditional approach to treatment in which patients with a certain clinical diagnosis receive the same or similar therapy, from a personalized approach to treatment, where pharmacogenetic analysis leads to the optimal choice of therapy and its...


“The medicine of the future has arrived – how to live healthy” Lepota i Zdravlje magazine, June 2019

The medicine of the future has arrived - "Genetic analyzes, targeted prevention and nutrigenomics are integral parts of the most modern medicine and are crucial for improving the quality and the length of life. To clarify these terms, we talked to a genetic specialist from the Gemme Center Genetic Counseling Center" Magazine Lepota i Zdravlje, number 220, June 2019 from 20.05. until 19.06.2019. Original article: Lepota i Zdravlje Juni 2019  


Pro femmina 2019 and Gemmo center

Mrs Ivana Buzadžić, a genetic specialist, held a lecture on "Personalized Medicine - Medicine of the Future" in the "Pro-Femina" program 2019 at Hyatt Hotel providing interesting answers and useful information on prevention and treatment through DNA analysis. The guests reminded that health care is one of the main priorities of each of us. The participants had the opportunity to hear about how through genetic analyzes they can find out what their diet suits, what is the individualization of the...


Gemmo Center continues with expert presentations in the field of genetics

Translation in serbian On Wednesday, March 27, 2019. expert lecture on the topic "Clinical significance of genes FV, FII, MTHFR, PAI-1 and ACE in the choice of Thrombotic Therapy Therapy" was held at the Gemmo Center in cooperation with Makler company. Prof. Dr. Gorana Mitić, lectured about whether and how different combinations of mutations and the risk of thrombosis that they carry affect the decision on anticoagulant therapy. Mrs Ivana Buzadžić, a molecular biologist and physiologist, lectured on the importance of...


Month of April dedicated to celebrating World Health Day

Translation in serbian Gemmo Center will mark significant activities and offers in April. On the occasion of the World Health Day on April 7, 2019, in Gemmo center from 7 to 14 April, you can perform genetic counseling and order analysis with a 20% discount. The analyzes to which the discount relates are: Molecular markers of hereditary thrombophilia, The microdeletion Y chromosome, Nutrigenetics, Molecular markers for the evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid and CV risk, Pharmacogenetic analysis, Sports genetics and Telomer...


Is there an elixir of youth?

Biological aging is an ubiquitous and unavoidable process that takes place at the cell level, and is controlled by telomers. Mrs Ivana Buzadžić, Ph.D. in an expert lecture titled "Is there an elixir of youth?" Held on November 13, 2018 at the Gemma Center, presented the experiences and results of previous work in the field of telomer analysis in physicians of various specialties and pharmacists. On this occasion, she explained the effect of adequate nutrition and supplements on the activation...


Interview director of Gemmo center Mrs Ivana Buzadžić, magazine Zdravi i lepi “Genetic testing, the best prevention”

Translation in serbian Генетичко тестирање, најбоља превенција 17.11.2018 • 15:2115:25 Извор: Наши гени су план и нацрт нашег тела. Они контролишу наше бројне особине, као боју очију, висину и наше таленте. На жалост, гени нису поштеђени грешака и свако од нас носи одређене генетичке дефекте или варијације које се могу негативно одразити на наше здравље. Тако неке генетичке варијације могу повећати ризик за дијабетес, тромбозу или рак, друге могу одредити колико успешно елиминишемо токсине из нашег тела, контролишу интолеранцију...


The importance of genetic testing in early prevention

Translation in serbian U utorak 4.oktobra 2018. godine u prostorijama Gemmo centra održano je predavanje pod nazivom „Značaj genetskih testiranja u ranoj prevenciji“. Tom prilikom prisutne lekare, specijaliste pedijatrije i opšte medicine, direktor Gemmo centra, specijalista genetike Ivana Buzadžić podsetila je na činjenicu da osobe koje imaju genetsku predispoziciju za razvoj nekog oboljenja, a nisu izložene uticaju štetnih faktora iz okolne sredine, ne moraju nužno i oboleti. Od izuzetne važnosti je da roditelji znaju kako da se ponašaju, šta da rade,...


Analysis of telomeres – How to slow down aging?

Translation in serbian Analiza telomera - Kako usporiti starenje? U prostorijama genetičkog savetovališta Gemmo centra 29. juna 2018. godine održano je stručno predavanje pod nazivom „Analiza telomera-Kako usporiti starenje?“  kome su prisustvovali eminentni stručnjaci, specijalisti iz oblasti estetske medicine i anti aginga, internisti, ginekolozi. Telomere su specifične strukture na krajevima hromozoma, koje štite naš genetski materijal, skraćuju se prilikom svake deobe ćelija i pokazatelj su njihove biološke starosti i funkcije. O tome da se biološka starost ćelija ne mora podudarati...


The role of genetics in the prevention of insulin resistance and polycystic ovarian syndrome

Translation in serbian U petak 22. juna 2018.godine u prostorijama genetičkog savetovališta Gemmo centra, održano je stručno predavanje kome su pristvovali lekari, specijalisti iz oblasti ginekologije, interne medicine, higijene, dermatovenerologije. Direktor Gemmo centra, specijalista genetike gospođa Ivana Buzadžić predstavila je rezultate i iskustva iz dosadašnjeg rada kroz predavanje „Prevencija insulinske rezistencije“, dok je dr spec Mirjana Anđelić, vlasnik privatne ordinacije „Dr Anđelić“ u Novom Sadu i stručni konsultant Gemmo centra, održala predavanje pod nazivom „PCOS kroz razdoblja žene“. U okviru ovog...


Gemmo centar – promotion

Translation in serbian U prostorijama Gemmo centra 28. marta 2018. godine održana je promocija rada genetičkog savetovališta. Direktor centra, specijalista genetike Ivana Buzadžić govorila je o aktivnostima i planovima Gemmo centra, koja pokrivaju tri polja delatnosti: genetičke konsultacije, molekularne analize i stručne edukacije zdravstvenih radnika šireg spektra specijalizacije.    Tom prilikom, 30 doktora iz oblasti ginekologije, psihijatrije, kardiologije, pedijatrije imali su priliku da čuju kako se genetske analize i informacije iz genetičkog skrininga mogu koristiti u lečenju i u kvalitetnoj i...
